nodejs overhall
First install Node version manager and then setup Node
nvm use
node i
if you are on nix first run nix develop
to enter a shell enviroment where you have node commands.
then run npm install
to setup the node_modules folder, and then exit
out of the nix shell.
and then you should beable to run nix run .#bmod-dev
npm run dev
npm start
git clone /tmp/nixconfig
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko /tmp/nixconfig/src/disko.nix --arg device /dev/sda
sudo nixos-install --root /mnt --flake gitlab:balancemod/main-site
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake gitlab:balancemod/main-site
# node - /etc/gitlab-runner/blutsauger-node.env
# nix - /etc/gitlab-runner/blutsauger-nix.env
moved to: !224
jekyll overall setup by tumble
First install Ruby Version Manager or Ruble 2.7.5 and then setup Ruby
rvm use
gem install bundle
bundle install
there is no site. also no include.
bundle exec jekyll server -w --config _config.yml,_config-dev.yml
for when a static site generator feels like a pain and you dont want to write any php only html and a bit of json and or yaml