Worth The Weight Update

Since Valve hasn't shipped the Heavy Update yet, here's some of the major changes to the Heavy's
To view the complete list of all changes in the mod click here
Natascha Rework
Inverted slow

Damage resistance blow 50%hp while spun up - On hit: Slow enemy
- Slower spin-up time
- +15% faster move speed while deployed
- Speed boost on hit
The official Natascha is not very fun to play against as getting slowed really sucks.
The low damage combined with slow revup time usually meant enemies would run away or not die at all. By
inverting the slow on enemy, to speed on hit, gives heavy slightly bit more mobility and the short speed
boost allows for some interesting techs.
Brass Beast
No longer ass

- Damage resistance when under 50% hp while spun up
- Increased move speed while deployed from -60% to -40%"
The official Brass Beast is really bad, because of how slow you move spun up.
Slowness stacks exponentially, making you easy to kill, despite having resistance.
Since enemies could just outmaneuver you with ease since you were so slow.
By making you move slightly faster you get more out of the damage bonus.
Huo-Long Heater
Scariest minigun at close range

- Mini-crits effect on burning targets for better game feedback.
- Increased initial flame ring damage from 12 to 30.
The official Huo-Long heater runs out of ammo really quickly.
It doesn't offer enough damage or damage indication when you shoot enemies on fire.
The flame circle offers no real danger, but with this change it's really lethal at point blank.
Dalokohs Bar
Faster nom

- 40% faster eating
The official Dalokohs bar is a downgrade of the banana.
With the faster eating speed, it's easier to use it right before combat.
This change makes it achieve it's design easier.
Buffalo Steak Sandwich
The fastest nom there is

20% more dmg taken while buff is active
- Cancel the effects by pressing reload or special attack key
The official Steak offers very little use.
With the ability to cancel you aren't as locked to committing with this weapon.
The removal of the additional damage taken makes this item more viable.
Includes all-class re skins

- 20% global weapon switch speed
- 20% faster reload time on shotguns
The official Fists has no reason to be used ever.
With the faster weapon switch shotgun usage is easier.
Pairs really well with secondary items, especially shotgun.
Eviction Notice
More viable

- 30% faster holstering speed
The Eviction Notice offered very little compared to the GRU. The issue was that even if you used it
properly it gave way less value than just using gru in any scenario.
With the health faster deploy time it allows for quicker firing after short repositioning.
Fists of Steel
Now Balanced

Old stats
- While active:
- -40% Damage from ranged sources
- +100% damage from melee sources
- Health from heal beams -70%
- -30% slower firing speed
- -60% slower deploy time
- Medics builds uber build 50% slower while item is active
The slower holstering speed could be negated by switching weapons really fast.
With the max health change led to bugs depending on when a medic began healing you.
This version serves the tanky purpose, without having the same damage output and issues of the official
Warrior's Spirit
No longer glass cannon

Old stats
- +25% Longer melee range
- On hit: Bleed for 3 seconds
- +10% damage done
- 10% slower deploy time
The glass-cannon type melee unlock isn't really suited for Heavy, and thus the warrior spirit combined
with official steak was hardly ever used by anyone.
The increased range will help with getting melee kills. The bleed is to the claws being sharp and makes
it easier to track spies.
The less damage is to negate the fact that you don't take more damage while using steak and using