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Bmod 2.0 status, Ranking Seasons and Manned Machines release trailer.


Regarding BMOD 2.0 it's done as is. From our play sessions no further weapons need any tweaking or rebalances to remain viable in what it's designed to be good at. With the launch of our website, we will launch the first season of Bmod, as we are currently in season 0. This means that the leaderboard will be saved and stored as a page where you can forever bask in your glorious achievements. And others will have a chance to prove themselves as the best player in the future sessions, as seasons will be roughly 3 months. With a leader board storing everything with each one. Will be more info on that later when it's close to being ready

  • Game balance to perfection - DONE!
  • Banger trailer video - NEED FOOTAGE, GOT BANGER THEME!
  • Seasons with skill point reset and rankings - WILL RELEASE WITH WEBSITE 2.0
  • Repeatable contracts that gives unique and rare cosmetic perks on your stat profile, ingame name color or chat. - DONE, but only the repeatable part, bragging rights may come later
  • Website improvements - SOON!
  • Discord server seeding - DONE!
  • Team balance and matchmaking improvements - IMPOSSIBLE!


After being able to fix up Manned Machines after the 64 bit update broke us, we are continuing to develop the mod and balance it as we continue with our sessions. I'm very proud of the community we've built so far, we are a great gang of epic players which is always a blast to play with.

Right now I am working on the Manned Machines release trailer, we have a banger theme song and will need some banger footage to go with it!

Moonly Days, the creator behind Creators.TF and helper of many small things on our project has said he has an interest in helping us out. So hopefully he can get in to the back end of things and do some optimizations so that I can focus on the balance and getting the wiki out to you.

OH YEAH! We have an auto updating wiki now which I made as a data engineer and I am super duper proud of. Check it out here. I spent many an hour making it so that it automatically generates the wikipedia pages based on what the stats are ingame. You might say it's pretty pog.


This project would not be as great and amazing as it is without the countless hours many volunteers put in to the project helping out in the ways they can. We still welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the team. We are always looking for sourcepawn and vscript coders. as well as mappers, modelers animators and lord knows what else. Got a talent you think could benefit this mod? Contact HiGPS on the discord. link is in the next paragraph!


You know what else is pog? YOU! and possibly! YOUR FRIENDS! That's right, if you have some (if you have none, you can try and get some if you try like really hard. I believe in you! Just say they got nice hair and that will get you far, protip from me, free of charge!) be sure to invite them to the discord so they can enjoy the glory of our community! Do join the discord if you haven't already!

We're still working on Balancemod 2.0 and it's going to be great.

Here are some features we are working on

  • Game balance to perfection
  • Banger trailer video
  • Seasons with skill point reset and rankings
  • Repeatable contracts that gives unique and rare cosmetic perks on your stat profile, ingame name color or chat.
  • Website improvements
  • Discord server seeding
  • Team balance and matchmaking improvements

Do join the discord if you haven't already!!